Estate & Gift Planning

Your Goals and Benefits

There are many ways to support Gilmore Piano Festival. These options will help you achieve different goals.

Your Goal

Your Strategy

Your Benefits

Make an important impact to The Gilmore that doesn't cost you anything during your lifetime, but that is priceless as part of the legacy that you leave behind.

Include a gift from your will or trust (cash, specific property, or a share of the estate).

A great way to provide resources that help The Gilmore.

Avoid capital gains liability and take an income tax deduction.

Use gifts of stock or appreciated securities instead of cash to make your gift.

Buy low and give high — while avoiding capital gains tax.

Leave more of your estate to your heirs.

Name The Gilmore as beneficiary of your retirement plan and leave less-taxed assets to family.

Eliminate income tax on retirement plan assets, and free up other property to pass to your heirs.

Continue to receive benefits back from the assets you give to The Gilmore — and thus multiply your gift.

Create a life income plan like a charitable remainder unitrust.

Receive income for your lifetime, receive a charitable deduction, and diversify your holdings.

Create a long-term gift that won't draw funds from your estate.

Create a new life insurance policy or donate a paid-up policy of coverage you no longer need.

Increase your ability to make a significant gift to The Gilmore.

Reduce gift and estate taxes and leave more of your assets to your heirs.

Create a charitable lead trust to pay income to The Gilmore for a fixed time, then pay the remainder to your heirs.

Reduce gift and estate taxes and freeze the taxable value of growing assets before they pass to your family.

Questions About Gift Planning?

Please contact Pierre van der Westhuizen, Executive and Artistic Director 269.342.1166 ext. 111

All content © 2025 Irving S. Gilmore International Piano Festival